I’ve started work on the new Zoa and Paly shop online!

The new Salty Revolution Zoa and Paly shop.

The new Salty Revolution Zoa and Paly shop.

So far.

Ok so it’s currently functional and has most of the Zoas and Palys in stock on there. Good news so far, but, I need your help guys!


So as well as having them all listed as they are now, I could also list them in several different ways, which way do you think is best?

The choices

Options so far are:

  1. List them by price per frag. Start at lowest price per frag to highest price per frag.

  2. List them by price per polyp. From lowest price per polyp to highest price per polyp.

  3. List them by colour. All the mostly reds, then partly reds, then mostly orange, then partly orange, etc.

  4. List them by rarity. Start with the most commonly seen and work up to the most exotic.

    List them by popularity. Put the most popular at the top and work downwards.

Let me know in the comments below :)